ESC Consultants Featured in 2018 Green Hasson Janks Nonprofit Report

August 31, 2020

ESC consultants Jim Esterle and Roberta Suber were featured among a select group of experts on board governance in Green Hasson Janks’ latest annual nonprofit whitepaper, “Board Governance: The Path to Nonprofit Success.”

In the 2018 report, Jim and Roberta share the wisdom they’ve gleaned from their professional careers and years of service as ESC consultants. For example, Jim constantly reminds board members to learn and share personal stories of those impacted by the organization: “You have to give the board the tools to fundraise, and stories are critical.” And Roberta emphasizes the importance of thoroughly vetting candidates for board membership: “The new board member needs to really care about the mission and bring needed experience to support the organization.”

Green Hasson Janks was also among the sponsors of our Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon held in November. To honor their support and partnership, we shared copies of the report at the event.

Download the PDF of the 2018 Green Hasson Janks Nonprofit Report. Learn more about Green Hasson Janks here.